_ cupoftea

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_ a magnificent return to the videoSPHERE for That Guy With A Ball, ably assisted by our own _h_o_w_i_eeeeeeee_____

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_ Matt Hennem - 'Liquid Underground'

- london tube contact juggling
- produced by howie.tv
- released April 2013.

Matt brings together elements of popping/locking, juggling, manipulation, isolation, illusion and humour to create a modern twist on the classic contact juggling art first seen by many when performed over 25 years ago by Michael Moschen in Jim Henson's 'Labyrinth'.

Credited as one of the co-creators of the modern contact juggling style, Matt continues to captivate audiences across the world with his unique performance.

He uses a combination of a 100mm solid crystal clear acrylic ball and a touch of obsession.

- the music is 'Hard to Find' by Robot Koch.
- www.robotsdontsleep.com
- soundcloud.com/robot-koch

- www.thatguywithaball.com
ShireHill - 2013 United Kingdom
  2013-04-30 03:52 7378

4_ they said...

TLMB _ 139 months
“When I first saw this, I didn't 'get' it. I just rewatched it, and absolutely loved it. Well done guys!”
frostekk _ 142 months
“ooooooo great!!”
robfirey _ 142 months
“Sweet!, Good work guys.”
Jorden _ 142 months
“Amazing video. Thank you.”

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