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Contact. The state of the art illustrated by the enthusiasts, the beginners, the experimenters and the phenomena. JTV's favourite is at 1.32.

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_ Contactjuggling.org Collaboration Video 2012

*Note: Polilop is a typo. The artists name is actually PiloliP*

Contact Juggling, an ancient art recently codified and popularized by Michael Moschen, is as indefinable as it is magical. Rather than try to describe it, the community of ContactJuggling.org began this project to show you how each of us sees Contact Juggling. Whether dance, juggling, mime, or magic (or perhaps all four or none at all), this video showcases years of hard work by artists across four continents, each bound together by a common interest but all unique in their study.
Edited by Riel Green and Sennyo of Casual Arcane (Casualarcane.com)
All music by Module (Modulemodule.com)
Video by Contactjuggling.org and contact jugglers around the world!
For more information about contact juggling, visit contactjuggling.org!
Thank you for watching!!
The World - 2012
  2012-08-29 13:20 7530

5_ they said...

JessContact _ 147 months
“:o gracias por esos vídeos tan increíbles cada año <3 <3 me inspira a seguir practicando día tras día :')”
laujuggler _ 148 months
“Could you tell me what the name of the first song is on this video? I know it says all music is by Modulemodule but I can't find this specific track and it's driving me crazy. :p”
valentinlechat _ 149 months
“Michael Moschen did not codified and popularized Contact Juggling.
The designer James Ernest stole movements from MM and made a book with this appelation on his own name. For Michael Moschen his crystal ball routines are part of what he calls "Dynamic Manipulation". All routines are linked with a story from his life. To link Contact is wrong with MM.
Anyway, long life to Contact Juggling Community !!!”
Zlistal _ 149 months
ipaxxx _ 149 months
“Ya es todo un clasico... <3”
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