_ Throw Joy - Wes Peden - Trailer
Check out the full video on my website! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8
Throw Joy is 53 minutes of sledgehammer hitting ice-cream cake. The result of 561 days spent making 6 clubs tricks, strapping cameras to trees, and filling 8 juggling notebooks with questionable ideas. The video not only includes the most hardcore juggling Wes has ever done with balls, clubs, and rings but keyboards, chairs, tripods, paintings, and wine bottles are also recklessly thrown skyward. After 24 years on earth and 19 years of juggling, Wes finally has the freedom to make a hula hoop out of clubs! Bon appetite!
Throw Joy contents:
-Catching chair with head
-Wes' best 3 club trick
-You've never seen 7 like this
-New 6 club tricks
-The death of ring juggling
-5 clubs #€%&
-Please clean the room
- P's
- 9's
- Snowmen!
- T's
- Giant Tricks (incudes 5 bouquet backcrosses)/nPrice: 15 Euros
Length: 53 minutes (main feature) 30 minutes (Extras)
Size: 3.9 GB (main feature) 1.9 GB (extras)
“gotta have it!!!”