seabreeze_ 80 months
“Clever trick! That is so difficult to master. I actually wanted to contact you about the video you shot at Aidan Burns’ funeral. Sorry I was unable to message you directly so I thought I’d try here. I’m his cousin from Australia. I’m in London for a few days. My email is:
My email is: [email protected]. I’d really like to talk to you about using some of it in a tribute film I’m making on him. Cheers”
“Clever trick! That is so difficult to master. I actually wanted to contact you about the video you shot at Aidan Burns’ funeral. Sorry I was unable to message you directly so I thought I’d try here. I’m his cousin from Australia. I’m in London for a few days. My email is:
My email is: [email protected]. I’d really like to talk to you about using some of it in a tribute film I’m making on him. Cheers”