
_ Dave.o.k?

Dave.o.k? avatar
Videos: 35
Followers: 7

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_ KelliMillieni14

3 ball
Liverpool - 2009 United Kingdom
3 - ball
  2009-02-17 06:29 4824

5_ they said...

nathanthrows _ 154 months
“wow. this is amazing. I love the movement and crazy blind catches. incredible stuff man.”
Eastsidejuggler1 _ 154 months
“Your whole 3 ball stuff is a huge inspriration! Thank you for sharing so much ideas, man.”
Dave.o.k? _ 189 months
“I initially intended on using two cameras one in front and one behind the back but, I couldn't be bothered. I will make a couple of videos showing more back! when I get some more time.

The balls I use are Thomas Dietz Balls from Passe Passe
EdgarMalabar _ 189 months
“I like your tricks !!! Amazing
What balls do u use?
jek _ 189 months
“show more back! I want see it =]
greate staff!”

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