
_ Robin

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_ Are you sitting comfortably?

5 clubs, one stool, no costume. Performed as a work in progress at the Durham juggling convention by Robin Gunney
  2007-07-01 05:58 9836

4_ they said...

Robin _ 170 months
“To be fair I just re-watched this for the first time in a good year or so and I actually quite like a lot of the actual juggling material in it. I hate it as an act though if that makes sense. To qualify my decision to start and end sat on the clubs I guess I just wanted to start sitting but I didn't want the whole thing to be just sat on the stool. I wanted to try and use more of the space because I thought it would be very small to just be static in one space through the whole thing. That and I just liked the image of it. I also liked the idea of the start and the end mirroring each other to some degree. The 2 club sequence at the start is the same sequence at the end. First standing then sitting, so the end is in a way a kind of logical rewind (to me) back to the beginning. Hence the decision to end where I started, back on the clubs. Hope this helps explain my thinking behind it a bit.”
Robin _ 170 months
“Haha! No it wasn't supposed to be a toilet but it's very funny that you thought that! The book I'm reading was 'the complete juggler' so it does have some (albeit tenuous) connection. I just thought it was a nice image at the time. Personally I can only cringe when I think about this act. I made it mainly as an exercise for myself to develop sit down material for a long standing idea that never came to fruition... at least, not yet anyway... I had real belief in this act when I did it, but I'm afraid that I can only view it now with utter hatred as self indulgent rubbish. Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I genuinely appreciate the feedback!”
mrfishfinger _ 170 months
“I enjoyed your chill factor when performing. Especially when your sitting down, you do some nice things like changing your posture and juggling at the same time, but efficiently.
Your text says you werent wearing a costume, but thats funny because i only read this after and i thought when watching ,oh look his clothes and clubs match. What i want to say i guess, is whatever your wearing, it is always a costume to the public. No costume can of course also be a choice.
Personally i would have preferred you started on the stool instead of on the toilet (thats what it was meant to be no?) . Why start and end with something unconnected with the rest? Even though sitting on clubs is a very nice picture, i dont see the need to fluff it up with a book........my opinion.
All in all i enjoyed. And also it was filmed years ago so, good work.”
seth.r _ 210 months
“Nice one!”

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