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Greetings fellow juggling connoisseurs, in this superb film the marvelous gent Buba ( Boris Panfilenok ) demonstrates some spiffing acts of dexterity and balance. Enjoy!

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_ Boris Panfilenok ~ Buba / Gentleman Juggler

Boris Panfilenok ~ Buba was a Salon/ Gentleman Juggler
this is the earliest footage I've found of him he also appeared on the Paul Daniels show in the UK and toured with the Tiger Lillies Circus. RIP
unknown - 1978 select
  2010-09-21 03:07 11406

4_ they said...

koolmagicguy2 _ 142 months
“Quite beautiful!”
kristiankristof _ 160 months
TLMB _ 173 months
“Bloomin' splendid! Thanks so much for unearthing this gem and the other Buba video. But..... who is his curious friend?”
Simalacrum _ 173 months
“Well I say old bean, what a spiffingly marvellous moving picture you have here!
On a more serious tone, he died??? Damn... :(”

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ENCODED FILE - iPod friendly version
450x336 - 15fps - mp4 - 7.49MB
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