_ noel

noel avatar
Videos: 5
Followers: 5

_ featured video

As well as some really sweet diabolo skills, this video stands out from the rest by taking the time to appreciate some really cool art in this remarkable setting. Enjoy!

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_ Jungle Shadow

Pequeño video de diabolo que grabé en Granada una parte en el mes de abril '10 y otra en septiembre '09 utilizando en la mayoria de los casos grafitis de "El niño de las pinturas" de fondo, el tema principal es de Kiril Dzajkovski
Granada - 2009 Spain
diabolo - 1 - 2 - 3 - grafiti - granada - el - niño - de - las - pinturas - new - trick - integral - suicide - grind - feed - the - sun
  2010-10-10 03:35 6809

3_ they said...

Rapido _ 172 months
“saw that on tube several time ago.
nice to see it again. it one of my favourite.
smooth tricks, wonderful location and a perfekt music for that.
hope to see moooore soon. :)”
mango _ 173 months
“nice ;) keep it going !”
ramusafelipe _ 173 months
“amazing tricks !”

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