mentreiltempo_ 136 months
“The most beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Samoa_ 165 months
“She was my friend and we had a great time in 1973 in Puerto Rico with Jimmy Harrington's Circo Panamericano outdoor show at the ballpark.......I owned Circo Magico Loyale......Thank you so very much for this incredible piece of circus history....this is the first time I've seen her 20 years younger than when I met her.....Bless you and keep up the great job....”
TLMB_ 210 months
“The red curtain and the music make me think of Twin Peaks! Great to see this again - I'd only seen a dodgy black and white copy before. Excellent stuff.”
Offa_ 210 months
“All this in those shoes! And with nice smiling too. She is great.”
“The most beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”