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More stick-iness for the front page. This time in the form of flowers. A fountain of floral florishes from polostix.

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_ Flowers Power by Polostix

Video by polostix
  2011-07-13 08:30 14873

18_ they said...

MatteDiablo _ 149 months
“=) wooo what flowersticks are you using?”
mango _ 153 months
“amazing, thats all I can think of, just amazing...”
JJGG _ 160 months
“Ok Mr. Polostix, you're my new master”
zkizofreniaa _ 162 months
binout _ 162 months
RichStix _ 163 months
“Awesome work man! Bravo!!”
Jugglingfool _ 163 months
“That's just ridiculous.”
Feela _ 163 months
“first song is "The Mojo Radio Gang" by Parov Stelar the best DJ in the world :)”
Arimane _ 163 months
“Oh, man... awesome stuff, to say the least!”
JeanBrunel _ 163 months
“wooooooaaaaaa ! AMAZING !!
what the name of the first music?”
dw _ 163 months
“It's great how long your runs of connected tricks last, especially considering the variety and difficulty of each individual move. Do you plan those whole runs out ahead of time, or do you end up freestyling a lot of it?”
penaz0022 _ 163 months
“" Ce qui étonne, étonne une fois, mais ce qui est admirable est de plus en plus admiré. "”
riasatian _ 163 months
“That's the best stick juggling I ever seen, Awesome.”
Patin _ 163 months
“DUUUUUUUUUUUUDE you are f ing awesome, best stick juggling i have ever seen”
DarthDiaboloMan _ 163 months
“nice skills man :)”
meshunderlay _ 163 months
“Awesome video, great goatee.
I love the 97531 at the end.”
nextinline42 _ 163 months
Simalacrum _ 163 months
“Goddamn, you make it look so easy...”

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