This is the first of the "Cate Emily" videos. I give the title Cate Emily to videos that I feel make a statement about me. In other words something more serious than a quick practice video. I actually never even called myself "Cate Emily" until I made this video, but it started to stick, so I went with it...
The title is true by the way, I went off my medication (anti-depressants actually, but Ritalin is more catchy) and made this video in a four day burst of caffeine/ADD fueled burst of mania. Bet you didn't know that, huh?
Date: July 9-14th, 2007.
Hosts: Richard Kohut, Dave McGaughty, Sky King, Laura Earnst, and Arash Farhang
Topics: Prop/Brand Choices, How Has The WJF Affected Juggling?, What Is It Like To Volunteer At The WJF?
Videos: Wes Peden - Mediocrity, Olexandra & Vladyslav Bondarenk - Solstrom
Is the first video from a new serie.Include a 3 balls routine,4 balls tricks,5 balls tricks and finally 7 balls.
You can see also my videos and few tutorials in my website...
Joe and Wes have made 3 videos together in the past. Each video has
been a little bit better then the last. Not so with with this motion
picture. Lets put it this way, If Joe and Wes 3 was a tape walkman,
then Joe and Wes 4 would be a 80 GB video iPod. It's longer, it has
better tricks, better filming, better video quality, just better
everything. So make sure you socks are on tight and start downloading