I haven't had very many creative ideas recently. Most, if not all the tricks in this video were other people's tricks, or ideas they had for me to try. Let's see if you can match the jugglers with the tricks I did because of them.
Josh Horton
Matt Hall
Dave Nager
John Nations
Wes Peden
Tony Duncan
Michael Karas
Luke Burrage
Mark Kolbuz
Thomas Dietz
Music by Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
Title says it all, but in case it wasn't clear, this is a video about what we got up to on World Juggling Day 2011. Shocking, I know. Guest starring Rick's new 5 ball record of 159 catches on film!! Guest guest starring the Heffmeister, our resident windmill expert.
Music: El manana by Gorillaz
Hace ya algún tiempo que no subo nada, así que he decidido subir este pequeño corto de algunos 'truquitos' mientras me encontraba de erasmus. Espero que disfruten viéndolo ;)