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Juggle Dream Aurora & Luxor LED Hoop


Luxor - 160 Aurora - 80 LED Hula Hoop. The Juggle Dream Luxor is simply the best and brightest hoop we have ever seen. 160 super bright RGB LEDs allow over 300 stunning functions including solid white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan and magenta; as well as far too many changing effects to even begin to mention (all with variable speed control:). All these functions are available at the tip of your fingers, using the mini remote control and up to 16 of your favourite functions can be pre-set for instant access using the custom play list.
harley - fox - led - hula - hoop - juggle - dream - led - hula - hoop






Psycusix Rendezvous 2016


PsycuSix.Ψ, Malaysia’s leading modern and contemporary circus performing group, is bringing "nouveau cirque" to the Kuala Lumpur public./nIn their upcoming production entitled “Rendezvous: A Modern Circus Arts Show”, audiences will be treated to a fusion of dance, theater and circus arts all put together to convey the story of unveiling the beautiful future within a monotonous society. The show will feature various acts from juggling, contortion, acrobatics, dance, aerial arts and fire arts./n“Rendezvous: A Modern Circus Arts Show” is a free show that will be staged at The Square in Publika mall on the 12th of November, 8PM onwards./nThis event is in collaboration with Persatuan Seni Sarkas Moden, an association that aims to bring forth the circus arts movement to the local community. Free workshops will be offered to the public the day after, 13th of November, 3-7PM at the same venue./nIN COLLABORATION WITH: • Publika • Persatuan Seni Sarkas Moden • Viva Vertical Malaysia • Ninebot Malaysia • KU






Donald Grant - Diabolo - Koethen - 2015


A new version of "the number". It was filmed in Koethen Germany by Christian Ratzel for Varietespektakel. www.varietespektakel.de






Yo-Yo T.I.P. Trick in Progress (Monster Mount) - Luke Renner


T.I.P. Trick in Progress (Monster Mount) - Luke Renner. Monster Mount & Castle Escape variations. Filmed in Northwest, New Mexico in June of 2016.
yoyo - jojo - ioio - yoyo - trick






Psychedelic 3ball Glow Juggling - Voodoo Child


I stand up next to a mountain / And I chop it down with the edge of my hand Well / I pick up all the pieces and make an island / Might even raise just a little sand / 'Cause I'm a voodoo child / Lord knows I'm a voodoo child/n3 ball led glow juggling. Variations on Rubenstein's, Burkes, take outs, reverse chops, mills mess, box, etc. Many tricks are original./nJuggling by Peter Brunette www.jugglerpeter.com






Pass the ball


A few variations of that weird pass up the back trick that people do






Unscrambled B 'round tree


Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iB cB sA) General information: The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. Walking: After pass three, B walks on a 4-count to the left side of A. All the jugglers are relabeled (A -> B', B -> C', C -> A') and the new feeder A' starts counting the 3 passes, starting with B'. The manipulation: 1. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a pass from A to B. The juggler who was B is new M, and reads from the manipulator line. The juggler who was M now is B. 2. "cB": M carries a club to B. 3. "sA": M substitutes a the pass from B to A. How to do this pattern: We start manipulating the pattern by substituting the pass from B to A on beat three. You can skip the tree bit if you like.






poi juggling


This video includes bases in the branch of juggling and their variations, constant training and research of objects of manipulation have created this result. ** NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.
poi - juggling - ball - on - the - head - 5 - poi - juggling - 3 - poi - juggling






duo bowl kicking on rola bola - Cirque de Demain 1995


Chongqing Troupe duo bowl kicking on rola bola. 18th Cirque de Demain 1995. Silver medal. Not actually bowl-kicking as such, more bowl-flicking really. But it's a variant of the classic Chinese bowl-kicking act which is usually performed on unicycles.






Pirouettes go crazy


Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cA sA iA) The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cA": The manipulator carries a club to A. 2. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from C to A. 3. "iA": The manipulator (M) intercepts a the pass from B to A. The juggler who was A is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. All the jugglers are relabeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes. We start the pattern with an unmanipulated pass on beat 1 and on beat 2 with sA. Once the pattern is running the sA happens while M stands close to the Feeder. It is still a substitution, but Feedee C really has to pass to M.






iC cA sA: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (iC cA sA)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "iC": The manipulator (M) intercepts a self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. 2. "ca": The manipulator carries a club to A. 3. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from B to A. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






cB sA iC: Aidan Burns' Scrambled V Variation (cB sA iC)


__1__2__3 A: ps ps ps ->B B: ps ss ps ->C C: ss ps ss -> A M: iB cB sB -> M The feeder is "A", the juggler to the feeder's left is "B" and the juggler to the feeder's right is "C". The feeder counts "1 2 3" to make it easier to keep track of where we are in the pattern. On beats 1 and 3, A (the feeder) and B exchange a pass. On beat 2, A and C exchange a pass. On 3, juggler B catches the pass and walks on four count (rotating the positions anti-clockwise). 1. "cB": The manipulator carries a club to B. 2. "sA": The manipulator substitutes a pass from C to A. 3. "iB": The manipulator (M) intercepts a self from C to C. The juggler who was C is the new manipulator, and reads from the manipulator line. The old manipulator, reads C's line. All the jugglers are re-labeled and the new feeder starts counting the 3 passes.






Urchin to lady -die erste Kontaktjonglage Umziehshow - von Kerry


Kerry von Bek ist mit einem großen Koffer voller Geldscheine auf der Flucht. Woher das ganze Geld kommt? Man will es gar nicht wissen. Kerry ist eine echte Plage und gilt als ein zwielichtiges Bandenmitglied. Schlägereien geht dieser Halunke genauso wenig aus dem Weg, wie er unerlaubtes Glücksspiel meiden kann. Verfolgungsjagden mit der Polizei gehören zur Tagesordnung... Kurz den Koffer in einer düsteren Ecke der Stadt abgestellt um einen Moment Luft zu schnappen. Kerry überlegt...es ist wohl Zeit, die Maskerade zu beenden. Die Schiebermütze vom Kopf genommen, sich der Tweedjacke entledigt und schon kann man erkennen, dass sich hinter dem Kleinkriminellen in Wahrheit eine Frau verbirgt. Die weite Karohose wird auch noch abgestreift und das Hemd landet bei den anderen Klamotten und Kerry steht in ihrer Unterwäsche da. Nun wird der Gauner zur Dame. Aus dem Koffer fischt Kerry ein Kleid und streift es über... Buchbar unter http://www.kerry-balder.de






Outlink 2016 #5 - Lighthouse variations


Outlink 2016 trick #5 Keyword: Unconquerable Deadline: March 10th 22:00 BST






Systeme 47 - 4K - Juggling Promo by www.Metilli.net


Systeme 47 - [email protected] Jugglers : Alexandre Ganivenc - Walid El Yafi Video : www.metlili.net - Caputo Raphael Music : Ectoplasme - Nicolas Altheimer/nMaterial : - Panasonic Gh4 - 25mm f/0.95 mitakon speedmaster - 12-35mm f2.8 Panasonic - 20mm f1.7 Panasonic - Variable ND vivitar






Mathias P. - Flying Lighthouse variations


Some Flying Lighouse variations. Just meant as inspiration. Next one is better...






Juggle Dream Luxor - 160 LED Hula Hoop


The Juggle Dream Luxor is simply the best and brightest hoop we have ever seen. 160 super bright RGB LEDs allow over 300 stunning functions including solid white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan and magenta; as well as far too many changing effects to even begin to mention (all with variable speed control:). All these functions are available at the tip of your fingers, using the mini remote control and up to 16 of your favourite functions can be pre-set for instant access using the custom play list.The Luxor’s mini remote is smaller than a credit card and will easily away tuck into any costume without interfering with the hooper’s movement. Alternatively, the RF Wireless remote is effective up to 50m, so can easily be operated by someone offstage. Being wireless, rather than infra-red, no direct line of sight needed to operate this remote.The Luxor is powered by 5 mains rechargeable Lithium batteries which are equally spaced around the hoop to maintain optimum balance. Charging takes up to 6 hours and the LED






Chloe Walier - Bottle Walking - 2016 Demo


Chloe Walier www.chloewalier.com/nFilmed and edited by Thom Wall at Sobo Studios, Brattleboro, VT, USA.








Roundabout varient where one club has to remain over a certain point on the floor. Similar to tessabout in concept, but instead of a "lazy person" who wont move, there is a lazy club who won't traverse the gym. Possibly it had too much to eat at dinner.






Thom Wall - 2016 Show Demo


A “Master of Modern Vaudeville,” Thom Wall has wowed audiences around the globe. With a sharp wit and sharper knives, Thom juggles, balances, and dives his way through exciting and fast-paced acts that astonish and amaze. /nAs one of the last great American gentleman jugglers, Thom presents an elegant show with nuanced comedy and some of the most unusual tricks seen today. Thom is a complete variety performer, finely tailoring each performance to engage and surprise his audience, resulting in a unique and refreshing experience each time./nFor booking and more information, visit www.thomwall.com






Tricks With Hats: Onehanded, Continuous Tumbles


Onehanded, Continuous Tumbles - The hat keeps tumbling, in your hand, continuously, infinitely, forever, or at least until you stop. This trick is an extension of the Tumble - so go learn that one now. You'll notice that after you have performed a tumble, you are holding the hat the wrong way round to perform a second tumble immediately after it. This is where the extension comes in. During the first tumble (which is a standard tumble), the hat rotates 1.5 times. The second tumble is similar, but the hat is thrown without a change in grip, it still does 1.5 spins, which means that it is now facing the same way as when you started! Inorder to give yourself space for the second tumble, it feels like you need to throw it a tiny bit higher or faster. Try to make it all flow together into a continuous movement, the hat shouldn't ever pause, the hand acts more as a guide to keep it rotating in the right direction. A nice variation on this is to tumble the hat infront of you, switching hands between tumbles.






Tricks With Hats: The Shuffle


The Shuffle - Another three hat juggling trick - this time it's the half shower This is a variation of a jugglers' trick called the Half Shower. Start with one hat on the head, and one in each hand, held in an outside grip. Throw one hat across the body, flat, with no spin. As soon as you've let go of this hat, take off the one on your head with your now-empty hand. The other hand slaps/places its hat onto the head, just in the nick of time to then catch the first (thrown) hat. You should now be back where you started. The timing is a little odd for this one, but just remember "Throw.... take....place....catch", and you'll get it. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: The Shuffle (Fakes)


The Shuffle (Fakes) - A variation of The Shuffle. First learn the shuffle, and then watch the video - you'll work it out! From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Coat Peg (same hand)


A nice variation on the Coat Peg. Hold the hat in an inside grip at waist height and throw it upwards with half a spin. As the hat flies upwards quickly stick your throwing hand up in the air and catch it. The key is to spread the fingers on your throwing hand as much as possible and hold your catching hand in a coat peg grip. The hat lands on your thumb like it's landing on a coatpeg.






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