trucos increibles que requieren algo mas que talento. funny video in bogota. all the comments are welcome, this its only for funn. tschuess leute und viel spass.
Entrevista en espanol - pero despues de mucho tiempo sin hablar en ese idioma...what not to do during an interview in a foreign language - don't try to translate in your head while answering questions.
Home movie footage of Rob Murray practising in a garden. In his later years, Murray was known for his laid-back style of comedy juggling, so it is interesting to see him working on more technical tricks here, including 6 & 7 balls. Music is "Ultrafox" by Django Reinhart, tacked on purely because it was the right era, and the right length. Much thanks to Topper and LP for helping to bring this clip to light. Believed to have been filmed by Tex Glanville.