elwitz_ 188 months
“hallo can some one gıve me the ınformatıon wıtch cane ıs to use for a job lıke thıs ....ı work wıth hats and ı lıke to start wıth cane olso ...cane and dancıng cane ...
ıs ıt a normal cane or ıs ın the cane a waıght or somethıng lıke thıs ...please ınform me !””
elwitz_ 188 months
“now some one how the trıck ...wıth the stıck work ....ı work olso wıth hat and ı lıke to talk about ıt !!!!!!!”
danthehat_ 196 months
“is this as old as it looks? ”
“hallo can some one gıve me the ınformatıon wıtch cane ıs to use for a job lıke thıs ....ı work wıth hats and ı lıke to start wıth cane olso ...cane and dancıng cane ...
ıs ıt a normal cane or ıs ın the cane a waıght or somethıng lıke thıs ...please ınform me !””