
_ jjkohei

jjkohei avatar
Videos: 5
Followers: 5

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A long time ago, "6-way" was the name of a single trick. jjkohei takes it waaaay further.

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_ 6ways

3ball 6ways
kyoto - 2011 Japan
  2012-06-10 02:52 5908

5_ they said...

congasious _ 152 months
“crazy video! and the trick starting at 2:33 has a great flow!”
peterbone _ 152 months
“The original 6 way trick is the one he does at 2:04 I think - although it's normally done with clubs and is probably much harder with balls. Amazing video.”
HEC_Productions _ 152 months
“All throws are |3|, right?
What is that "6-way" original trick like? :)”
Paulpaulchen _ 152 months
“für mich ist das video ein fake”
Joggler _ 152 months
“I've just started doing these variations, nowhere near your level but awesome inspiration!”

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