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Team Shreddie Crunch is back! Almost half an hour of mind boggling creative awesome… Enjoy!

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_ Team Shreddie crunch 2

The second big TSC video - 16 British jugglers together in one big video. For those who want to watch the video in parts (come back later and watch the rest)
- Intro: 00:00
- Part 1: 00:49
- Part 2: 03:46
- Part 3: 08:40
- Part 4: 12:42
- Part 5: 16:23
- Part 6: 20:22
- Part 7: 21:35
Watch the first video Here: http://juggling.tv/4595
  2012-11-04 26:40 7109

6_ they said...

Robin _ 147 months
“Good work chaps. Jon Peat and Tiff were the highlights for me but a great vid all round.”
FINE _ 147 months
“really I love that Jon Peat in this video, but in the solo video of his acts... not to much! why? had he changed a little bit his style?”
TLMB _ 147 months
“Excellent stuff, guys. A very entertaining watch all the way through, and a slew of copacetic tricks. Tiff, loved your combo tricks & presentation!
@Halpiel: http://juggling.tv/search/peat+jon”
JTV _ 147 months
“So hip it melted our engine.”
Josh_Turner _ 147 months
“His name is Jon Peat he is in very few videos but such a amazing juggler!”
Hapiel _ 147 months
“Who is the amazing 3 ball/club juggler with the evolution shirt and why have I never seen him before?
To Chris, Dan, Dave, Lewis and all other jugglers that I might or might not have met, awesome stuff, you make me jealous and I have thousands of reasons to try and visit the BJC next time!”

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