_ National Yo-Yo Day Digital Short - Make Time
National Yo-Yo Day PSA - Make Time / - Luke Renner Yo-Yo Digital Short. Produced in association with the Four Corners Filmmakers and the Super Fun Film Club. Filmed in Northwest New May 2014.
Sound, Grip & Tech Consultant
George Thomas
Special Effects
Jeremy Orr
Location Scout and Referee
Chad Roper
Arm Wrestler #1
AJ Roper
Mohawk Arm Wrestler #2
Jon Lard
Arm Wrestler Gambler #1
Daniel Diswood
Arm Wrestler Gambler #2
Sam Gomez
Office Worker
Tim Blomquist
Crossing Guard
Lisa Renner
Izzi Renner
Yo-Yo End Cameo
Penny Jew-Garcia
Music Courtesy
Stuart and the Juice Tigers
High deserts of the southwest - 2014