
_ TriJay

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_ The 5 Aberts

The 5 Aberts, featuring Eduard Abert. Clubs and plates. Interesting TV presentation.
  2008-12-10 03:42 6624

4_ they said...

TriJay _ 184 months
“Thanks for the info. I changed the name.”
Valery007 _ 184 months
“This is the circus performers from Russia, Moscow. The name of the guy on the video is Eduard Abert - one of the best jugglers in Russia. He was dead in 1975. This video is about 40 years old ..I know this as i been perform in his troup from 1980 to 1991. Valery Gruzdev - the circus performer from russia.
TLMB _ 194 months
“Yeah, he's obviously the star of the show. The up-the-side style Alberts, the homemade clubs and the slightly odd camera work make me think this lot are east European. And careful what you say about the girl - she might throw a pie tin at you!”
Arron _ 194 months
“The guy who does a 3club solo has crazy good alberts! Also great 6rings and a head bounce in there. But I'm not so impresed by the girl in this act!”

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