Different combinations of speed and rotation will juggle different amount of balls./nLink to code:/nhttps://github.com/smeschke/juggling/blob/master/miscellaneous/claude_shannon_juggling_machine.py
jimmyde_ 70 months
“Hi Stephen. I used Algodoo to simlulate a 3 ball shower:
Not sure how well it emulates reality but it has motivated me to modify my drop juggle machine into a toss juggle machine.”
StephenMeschke_ 73 months
Thanks! This code is not great for validating CS's juggling fomula because the balls state (in the hand or in the air) is not tracked.”
jimmyde_ 73 months
“Wonderful program Stephen! I am Jim, the one who built a CS juggling machine. I haven't copied your python code yet to play with it. Wish I was math/physics whiz like you but have too many interests as is to start learning. I haven't checked your code out but wondered, does it validate CS's juggling formula?”
“Hi Stephen. I used Algodoo to simlulate a 3 ball shower:
Not sure how well it emulates reality but it has motivated me to modify my drop juggle machine into a toss juggle machine.”