
_ Kelo

Kelo avatar
Videos: 5
Followers: 2

_ featured video

Jtv says_ You don't have to throw up. It's been a while since we featured a bit of bouncing, and this clip's nice and fun...

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_ The bouncing boys

Extractos del video original, asi se transforma en la primera promocional de el video "the bouncing boys". Ignacio Pacheco Rodrigo Cadiz Exequiel Valdes
Santiago - Valparaiso - 2009 Chile
  2009-02-02 04:02 6629

3_ they said...

Barbarabest _ 157 months
“Bueeen video! cabros que pelotas usan? :)”
HEC_Productions _ 186 months
“¡¡Muy bueno!!”
Kelo _ 192 months
“Coment plis :D”

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ENCODED FILE - iPod friendly version
640x480 - 25fps - mp4 - 17.84MB
Download Count: 2379
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