_ juggletommi

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JTV says_ Trailers are becoming the order of the day, but it's not everyday that you get a 10 minute trailer packed with the highest level of juggling. Savour the flavour of the demon Dietz!

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_ Thomas Dietz Video #11

next workshop 3.6.Oktober.2013 Regensburg
Registration [email protected]

2. Juggling workshop with Thomas Dietz!
This workshop is for everybody!
Here the facts:
WHEN? 21.-23. August 2009
WHERE? Ciscus Schnick Schnack in Herne
4 masts big top (9 meter high) and a lot of space to try out, and a two
masts training tent.
address: Circus Schnick Schnack
Roonstraße 22
44629 Herne

Thomas Dietz
EMail: [email protected]
TEL: 0049 (0) 941 4644980
Mobile: 0049 (0) 163 9019838
regensburg Germany
  2009-07-20 10:00 19153

8_ they said...

ipaxxx _ 150 months
“WoooooooooooooooW ! ! !”
jmjuggles _ 182 months
“lovin the music great juggling”
chqm8 _ 182 months

radomasta _ 183 months
“Well...tbh I find this video quite boring for me, I admire you as juggler but I wasnt even able to watch it from 1st to last minute. Thats my opinion.”
elwitz _ 183 months
“hallo thomas dıetz ...bın leıder nıcht ın herne sonder momentan und noch für 4 monate ın der türkeı !

aber konntest du mır helfen dıe rücken jongglage zu lernen ıch muss lernen dreı hütte zu jongglıern hast du eventuell ball rıng oder keulen demo vıdeo ?”
bAjA _ 183 months
“its only sad if: you like adverts to pop up over the video or find a choice downloads off putting.. what is sad is that this great quality juggling was only uploaded at 320x240 resolution.. not making use of JTVs new high quality playback...”
Leeroy _ 183 months
“it is on youtube ;)”
manuel886202 _ 183 months
“This was AMAZING!! The energy was very nice. I enjoyed every second of it.
It's sad it can't be on Youtube, probably you can make a video telling people that it is here.”

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ENCODED FILE - iPod friendly version
320x240 - 30.12fps - mp4 - 17.98MB
Download Count: 908
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