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Some cool cross-prop pollination as Tim takes inspiration from the kick-up kings, and pushes staff-juggling a bit further. Give it some stick!

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_ Singles, doubles and triples staff juggling with some fancy foot

My latest training video.
Heavily inspired by fancy footwork from....
Anthony Gatto.
Evgeni Biljauer.
Manuel Alvarez..
Sergei Ignatov.
Feedback very much appreciated :-)
Kendal - 2010 United Kingdom
  2010-11-11 06:55 5555

8_ they said...

Manuel _ 171 months
“Sorry for my bad english. Now I have looked all firejuggling Videos. I say it again: You are a great Juggler. Also I would see your show live, but I am living in Germany, so I can not meet you.
But I bookmark your Videos, so I can always get the news.
Many greetings Manuel”
benpritchard _ 171 months
“haha, if they only knew of your love of siteswap tim, if only they knew, but yes, very good, very good indeed sir (see, no mention of snakes at all, or should i say 55052)”
tim_marston _ 171 months
“Thanks Trey
treywedge _ 171 months
“Tim, Manuel means "done by hand." or "a book of directions or instructions regarding a specific subject or object."
The German bit means:
"Absolutely. Simply brilliant. The show, I would like to see it done once with fire. Keep it up. "
Apparently he hasn't checked out the Juggling inferno videos yet, where you seem to mix some of that routine up with the lit ends of the staff.”
tim_marston _ 171 months
“@ Manuel in english bitte”
Manuel _ 171 months
“Einwandfrei. Einfach Genial. Die Show würde ich mir gerne mal mit Feuer anschauen. Weiter so.”
tim_marston _ 171 months
“Glad you like it!
and of course the 522 at 5.22 was done deliberatley ;-)
TLMB _ 171 months
“Neat. I really like the 522 at 5:22. And that fact that the 522 is *at* 5:22 :-)”

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