
_ seb

seb avatar
Videos: 2
Followers: 10

_ featured video

Get our point about the overwhelming growth of high quality contemporary club juggling yet? No? Really? You sure? Let's see if Seb can change that view.....

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_ Multiplex & Manipulation

Filmed a practice session to see what it looked like... then decided to make a little video of it... and got carried away with the editing... Inspiration Sam (manip), Seb and Walid (mplx).
Filmed at Circomedia.
Bristol - 2010 United Kingdom
  2010-11-23 04:28 9004

9_ they said...

nathanthrows _ 157 months
“AHH so much awesome juggling all at the same time! I can't take it all in”
javg2386 _ 167 months
hector18 _ 167 months
“el multiplex en accion!”
Bruit47 _ 169 months
“Franchement, super.. moi jadore ce style, joli concept, cest un peu different que jaime mais tres etonnant je trouve.. je donne 5 etoiles.”
DoMe _ 169 months
“Breakcore!!! really nice video and REALLY NICE STYLE!!”
donvantheman _ 171 months
“Love the 5 club tricks, specially the two club multiplex-backcross.”
javg2386 _ 171 months
“tssssssssssssssssssss......... la rompes la revientas estas locooo wey”
RoyJoy _ 171 months
“Fabulous! Free style is so refreshing, after watching hours of the standard tricks.”
zaximax _ 171 months
“AWESOME! really nice editing and the trix are cool”
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