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"Photography" comes from the Greek for "light-writing", but the English word implies a still image. Lichtfaktor use juggling, projection and visual feedback to create a rather-less-than-static Light Writing show.

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_ LichtfaktorLive Lightwriting & Glow

Our first performance @ Lichterloh Festival in Hachenburg, Germany. Music by The Green Man.
  2011-01-25 11:33 6083

7_ they said...

guidovanhout _ 167 months
“Impressive, never saw i show like this.... Like the 'light-paintings'! and the moves it provokes. Cool staff too. :)”
guidovanhout _ 167 months
“Impressive, never saw i show like this.... Like the 'light-paintings'! and the moves it provokes. Cool staff too. :)”
@kdiabolo _ 168 months
“Geil auf jeden fall”
mo3 _ 168 months
“sehr geiles ding! ;)”
casualblunders _ 168 months
“seeehr geil! freu mich auf die bilder vom laser-jonglieren!”
Simalacrum _ 168 months
“Oooooooh pretty colours...”
goma _ 168 months
“guter platz haben wir gekriegt!
grüsse aus argentinien!”
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