
_ witoks

witoks avatar
Videos: 31
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Now, I may not know much about traditional juggling (more of a diaboloist here, and I'm not particularly good at that either...), but I'm pretty sure any munchkin can tell this is some seriously impressive stuff. Did I count 10 rings at the end there?

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_ Pavel Evsukevich -Practice volume 1

Pavel Evsukevich -Practice volume 1
  2011-02-27 03:34 7074

9_ they said...

3BJuggling _ 161 months
“whats this awesome music called”
rolf _ 168 months
“the last 9 ball run and the rings....skillzzz”
magicianjuggler _ 168 months
sebastian _ 168 months
“Congratulations!!! !!!! !!!!”
stan _ 168 months
“Winners don't use time travel !”
Arron _ 168 months
jugglingjunkie _ 168 months
“wooow that is some amazing juggling!”
jojo _ 168 months
“wouaaaaaaaaaaah oO!”
Krios _ 168 months
“Holy wow, impressive stuff. Never seen a 5 ring mm before :) nice.”

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