1lusion_ 166 months
“great job man! great progress! keep on going”
Patin_ 167 months
“grandioso.. los sonidos que usaste hacian que todo vuelva a la normalidad como una pesadilla de la que solo se escapa jugando.. realmente me encanto, ojala algun dia pueda decir tanto con tan poco al igual que vos.. un abrazo”
davidmenes_ 167 months
“here it comes: I started imagining the carpet as the only space I could walk or I would fall down forever... There was an abyss. Later on I realize that I prefer to reflect the lonelyness of society, so I present the carpet as an island, and I made that carpet move as a beach does because of water. At the beggining I use lot of accesories, a suitcase, clothes, a piece of metal as if it was a piece of a boat... I had a 14 min act! So in third year I started to make it more and more abstract and concentrate on juggling, feeling more as someone bored at home after coming of working, playing that he is Tom hanks in a solitary island. but He is only playing on his Ikea carpet! and that is why he listens the call of money sometimes, the comeback to reality... the soundscape became more important than my actions to explain what was going on.. I stopped talking to the balls, making fire... I know, I lost it, maybe too abstract, but I had to do a juggling act for the school and that was more important at that time than my artistic impulses.. So that'it... thanks for watching and reading.. david”
dw_ 167 months
“I thought that the first cash register noises were a part of the man's regular life as a business man or at some other menial job. He was then somehow stranded on an island (carpet), which at first he found exciting because it was different. But I think the later cash register noises were memories from his past life, memories that he made him miss how things used to be.”
davidmenes_ 167 months
“DW, Im glad you ask the question... I'd love to hear some of your thinkings about it, and then I will tell you what I took storyline...”
dw_ 167 months
“I loved the moves in this video, but could someone explain some of the storyline? I was especially wondering about what the carpet is and how the cash registar noises tie in.”
dospooks_ 167 months
“I'd be pretty shocked if he didn't pass...”
PrOfO_ 167 months
“Just one word: PERFECT. Your juggling technique is amazing!”
“great job man! great progress! keep on going”