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_ muestra, plaza, crisoprasa

demostración promocional de malabares../

Canción: The rat - Infected Mushroom.
Santiago Chile
  2011-09-03 06:03 4213

7_ they said...

minicamilo _ 153 months
“olle yo soy el nino de diabolo en el santo tomas que me ensenaba el camilo soy el nino que iva en 5 basico y te fuiste de cuarto medio beto asi es como te deciamos”
MatiasCurinao _ 154 months
“Ve mi otro video :D”
ipaxxx _ 154 months
“Esos aros... Puff... Tremendo.”
MatiasCurinao _ 156 months
“jaja, gracias, pronto subiré un video mas perfeccionado :P .”
Yorji _ 156 months
“El efecto con los aros es brutal!
Enhorabuena por el video, me encanto :D”
MatiasCurinao _ 162 months
“thanks,i have much more repertoire in 5-ball but is only a demonstration and i wanted to do something in a short time. hehe”
hellester _ 162 months
“the isolation stuff with the double ring things and the s-shaped things (what're they called?...only seen moschen with them) looks really nice... you might want to work on your 5-ball repertoire somemore....”

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