_ Daytime 5 Club Practice - 48 Throws & Catches! (15 Years Old)
http://www.twitter.com/FilmJuggler/nTweet this:
http://clicktotweet.com/ekO93/nCal Courtney (Age 15), practicing 5 clubs with 48 throws and catches! Please comment, like, subscribe etc.
I'm going to try and go for the top 40 jugglers of 2012 or 2013 so your subscriptions are important to me!/nFollow me on Twitter:
http://www.twitter.com/FilmJuggler/nFree Download of Music Album:
http://bit.ly/dubstepsunglasses/nArtist's Bandcamp:
http://sudanim.bandcamp.com//n(I don't even really like dubstep but these guys are good!)
Northern Ireland - 2011
United Kingdom