_ Dave's "Look Mum, I Made a Juggling Video" Video
For me, the concept of a "Look Mum I made a juggling video" refers to a video that is made, not to introduce any new ideas to the juggling community, but rather made because it seems like the thing to do. That is why this film is entitled 'Dave's "Look Mum I Made A Juggling Video" Video'. This movie is intended as a parody on the "Look Mum" video genre. You probably won't learn any new tricks, but hopefully you'll have a good laugh. It should also be noted that this video features neither my true juggling potential nor my true personality. They are both facets of a character that I created for this movie. Enjoy.
“This is one of my favorite videos ever! i haven't seen this in years but thought it was hilarious back in the day! thanks for the video! (Josh secretly hopes for a sequel)”