
_ Grant

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Videos: 2
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_ 3 Tricks with Hats

3 Tricks I wanted to see. The effects are there to help bring out what's going on, as the light and background were bad.
Belfast Circus School - 2007 Ireland
hats - cane - 5
  2007-11-17 01:15 9072

3_ they said...

TLMB _ 188 months
“People use all sorts of different canes. Grant uses one something like this:
or this:

I think W. C. Fields is just using a simple piece of wood in that clip.
Any kind of cane can be used, really...
elwitz _ 188 months
“hallo can some one gıve me the ınformatıon wıtch cane ıs to use for a job lıke thıs ....ı work wıth hats and ı lıke to start wıth cane olso ...cane and dancıng cane ...

ıs ıt a normal cane or ıs ın the cane a waıght or somethıng lıke thıs ...please ınform me !””
robfirey _ 207 months
“Hats off to you Grant. Cool tricks. B & W works well”

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