Yo-Yo Digital Short - Mystery Prize - Luke Renner / Features Yo-Yo Cage Match originally produced as an independent film project. Yo-yos used a by MagicYoYo and features the 2016 Stealth. Music courtesy of Stuart & the Juice Tigers. Filmed in the high deserts of Northwest New Mexico in February, July and August of 2016.
Yo-Yo Trick in Slow Motion - Digital Short Luke Renner / Filmed in the high desert on Northwest New Mexico in January 2017. Music Courtesy of Stuart and the Juice Tigers. Features the MagicYoYo K5 special thanks to everyone at MagicYoYo in Shenzhen.
Yomega Glide :30 Promo - Luke Renner. Quick promo for upcoming Green Triangle tutorials featuring the Yomega Glide. Special Thanks to Yomega in Massachusetts! Music courtesy of Stuart and the Juice Tigers. Filmed in Northwest New Mexico June 2013.
Casting video filmed company Mana for Czech TV competition: TalenMania 2010.
Juggling with 8, 7 and 5 bouncingballs
Juggling with 3 balls
Juggling with 4 clubs
Juggling with 3 diabolos
Performer: Yufi.Zongler.CZ
Music: Japka - Kopa vody
Camera: Duris
Subtitle: Yufi
Denisovy sady, Brno
Link to YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ax1YMHldfM
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/yufizongler - more videos
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/YufiZonglerCZ/41759682047
Web: http://yufi.zongler.cz/ or http://www.zongler.cz/zonglerske-vystoupeni/