The third installment of Japanese Jugglers - filmed in Tokyo May 2009. Featuring Yuri Yamamoto, Teruki Okamoto, Murakami, Shigezou, Komei Aoki, Masaki Hirano, Okotanpe, Yanai Akihiro and Tanaka Yhei.
Music: Love Domination - Takkyu Ishino
Club Passing routine from 2000. From a one off show entitled Big made with the performers from the London Millenium Dome. This routine originally appeared on Media Circus' Madison Variations.
Performers: Karen Boure, Sean Gandini, Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Manu Laude, Ian Marchant, Bibi and Bichu Tesfamariam, Tomoko Tokushige and Elli.
The first version of Siteswaps. Performed at Circus Space London in 2000 as part of a show entitled Big. Performers: Ben Craft, Karen Boure, Sean Gandini, Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Manu Laude, Ian Marchant, Tomoko Tokushige and Elli.
Filmed in 2000. A juggling/percussion extract from a one off show called "Big" The percussion stuff was supervised by Simone Rebello. The performers are all part of the Gandini Dome Group. Performers: Karen Boure, Sean Gandini, Kati Ylä-Hokkala, Manu Laude, Ian Marchant, Bibi and Bichu Tesfamariam, Tomoko Tokushige and Elli.