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The Reverhos Trio [ Medrano Circus] 1940


Medrano Circus rehearsals. At first, the white clown and the august with his musical number, followed by jugglers The Reverhos./n_____/nEnsayos generales del circo Medrano. Al principio, El payaso (cara blanca) es Alex, trabajo en España formando pareja con Popey (padre) en el Circo Price en ruta.El augusto del violin pequeño es Rogelio Rivel (familia Andreu) español,(hermano de Charlie Rivel). seguidos de los malabaristas The Reverhos Trio.






Thrice Cream






Throw Joy - Wes Peden - Trailer


Check out the full video on my website! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Throw Joy is 53 minutes of sledgehammer hitting ice-cream cake. The result of 561 days spent making 6 clubs tricks, strapping cameras to trees, and filling 8 juggling notebooks with questionable ideas. The video not only includes the most hardcore juggling Wes has ever done with balls, clubs, and rings but keyboards, chairs, tripods, paintings, and wine bottles are also recklessly thrown skyward. After 24 years on earth and 19 years of juggling, Wes finally has the freedom to make a hula hoop out of clubs! Bon appetite! Throw Joy contents: -BVLLS! -Catching chair with head -Wes' best 3 club trick -You've never seen 7 like this -New 6 club tricks -The death of ring juggling -5 clubs #€%& -Please clean the room -Stilts - P's - 9's - Snowmen! - T's - Giant Tricks (incudes 5 bouquet backcrosses)/nPrice: 15 Euros Length: 53 minutes (main feature) 30 minutes (Extras) Size: 3.9 GB (main feature) 1.9 GB (extras)






Visual Juggling 1.0 - Cyrille Humen - 2-3 Balls Part 6-19


The first of 19 clips free of visual juggling 1.0 « Visual Juggling Project » is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reflexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between tech and flow. Thus, this 80 Minutes Hi Definition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that recent playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4.4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Visual Juggling 2.0 Promo 2013


« Visual Juggling Project 2.0»«2013»/nis still a succession of suggestions on object motions and body languages (same but different). After a welcomed first opus, this international collaboration moves a good step beyond and is proud to share with you its last upgrade: A gathering of 27 jugglers & manipulators from all over the world, graphing Time with balls, clubs, rings, diabolos, poïs, hoops and even footbags! Enter the playground and enjoy a new round of Hi Quality videos: A 100 minutes of « Flow » clips coupled with a 40 minutes of « Tech » tutorials./nThis is a pay for download product./nPrice: 20 Euros Length : 135 minutes Size: 6.7 GB (includes 37 clips) Format: .mp4 (HD)






Visual Juggling Trailer 1


www.visualjuggling.com Visual Juggling Project is a succession of suggestions on object motions & body languages, hilighting the graphic side of the discipline. This is the result of the gathering & collaboration of a dozen of international jugglers & manipulators, around various props such as balls, clubs, rings, pois, devilstick & frisbee. It has been made from the shared reflexions, explorations & experiences of those major stakeholders on the dynamic relationships between tech and flow. This 80 Minutes Hi Definition video (a total of 19 chapters) is the one to get to become aware of the potentialities concerning that unexplored playground. Buy it and Download. This is a pay for download product. Price: 15 Euros Length : 80 minutes Size: 4 GB (includes 19 clips) Format: mp4 (HD)






Water on Mars (Trailer) Tony Pezzo Patrik Elmnert Wes Peden


Download full 45 minute video plus 25 minute bonus here! http://www.wespeden.com/?page_id=8 Water on Mars is a compilation sequence by jugglers Tony Pezzo, Patrik Elmnert, and Wes Peden. The video presents routines, patterns, and tricks the 3 have been developing for the past 3 years. The project was motivated by good tricks, good angles, and the possibilities for prop transitions when you have extremely competent assistants. The video contains 81 new patterns, the 5 club diamond lock, an upside down albert triplex, an 11 club pirouette, the best 5 ring routine alive, and synchronized 7 clubs. Main feature: 45 minutes Bonus Live show video: 25 minutes Price: 15€ File format .MOV File size. 2.6 GB/nSong in trailer:Riot Rhythm by Sleigh Bells








Same footage, two edits. Fueled by fried rice and The Red Dragon in Minneapolis, Nick Laffey & Tony Gonzalez collaborated one dark and stormy night in August to produce raw footage for two unique edits. See also: Europe doesn't know about this.






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