Ivan Pecel challenged me to a 3 ball duel on his birthday, so I figured I would let him win because it was his birthday....NOT!!! Thanks to Miso Najam and Chouji Stokesberry of the Silver Creek HS Juggling Club for their help with filming this bad boy.
Nearing the end of what was turning out to be a pretty lame juggling practice session, I was dead tired and pissed off. Instead of stopping to employ some of my choicest expletives, I continued derpin' around which inadvertently gave birth to a new style of cigar box juggling./nMusic is Yumi-Ga-Hama by Kodo.
This is a trick more commonly done with clubs, diabolos, or devil sticks but I think it translates nicely with cigar boxes. These are just a few of the many possible variations that I'm working on.
My dad thinks that my juggling has ruined the grass, but he and I both know that it died because he doesn't water it.
Note: This version includes an exclusive bonus trick that I felt was worthy only for the hallowed halls of JugglingTV, NOT just because I forgot to put it in the original version.
Music: Beat 1, Flynn (both by Ratatat)
The juggling is just a simple 3 club cascade, but the performance package is what counts here - a charming picture of a boy with his toy juggling automaton.
From Cirque de Demain 1984. Silver medal (for this and other reprises)