_ Thom! _ videos

1-10 of 22

title: Thom Wall - Cabaret Demo 2019

description: Thom, juggling lots of stuff on smaller stages!
Tags: oldschool - thom - wall





title: 31 Tricks for a 31 Year Old

description: 31 brand new tricks for a brand new 31 year old birthday boy!/nDownload the cover art! - http://thomwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/31-actually4-1.png www.thomwall.com/nJuggling Cone by Greg Kennedy - www.innovativejuggler.com
Tags: thom - wall - vaudeville





title: Thom Wall - 2018 Demo

description: 2018 Demo reel!





title: On the Topic of Juggling - Thom Wall [demo]

description: A variety show about the history of juggling. www.onthetopicofjuggling.com





title: 30 Tricks for a 30 Year Old

description: 1. Tiny tablecloth pull 2. Six balls with a bounce 3. Knife & glass horizontal full flip 4. Seven ball twice around shower 5. Seven ball turning shower 6. Knife & glass balance cascade 7. 645 with a bounce 8. Nine ball cascade 9. Skipping rope shoulder bounce 10. Mizukumoi-no-kyoku 11. Crossed arm five 12. Bramson rolls under the leg 13. Bramson rolls with a flourish 14. Bounce with four balls and ring spin 15. Pyramid balance slide 16. Seven ball half shower 17. Headbounce reverse entry 18. Six into five with a bounce 19. Five with a bounce into six 20. Eleven double double (feat. Justin Sheldon) 21. (6x,4)* half overhead 22. Pool cue to cigar 23. Cigar to forehead 24. Forehead to cigar 25. 777111 variation with a bounce 26. Seven ball force cascade 27. Seven up pirouette 28. Headbounce skip cross 29. Oreo kick to face 30. Slide to mouth/n(31. 88441 with a bounce failure after failure after failure. Woof! Project for my 31st birthday...)/nFilmed at Cirque du Soleil "Totem" in Fukuoka, Japan (with special
Tags: thom - wall - headbounce - bramson





title: 29 Tricks for a 29 Year Old

description: 1. Skipping rope with a headbounce 2. Five club double balance 3. Bramson rolls 4. The plate and balls trick 5. Eight ring run 6. Tablecloth balance 7. Headbounce 5551 8. Bounce pedestal 9. ...with backcrosses 10. The ball skips the rope 11. Five ball lift on bottles 12. Cutaway 13. Pop to hips 14. Pop to feet 15. Balance to bounce 16. Bounce to balance 17. The pizza box trick 18. Overheads with a bounce 19. Bowl kicking 20. Four club scissors 21. The champagne bucket trick 22. ...dropped to foot 23. Seven club flash 24. Point to point to a thread 25. Shoulder bouncing 26. Salerno ring with a four ball shower 27. The teacup trick 28. Six rings with a bounce pedestal 29. Brunn style finish (with a color change)
Tags: juggler - thom - wall - birthday





title: Thom Wall - 2016 Show Demo

description: A “Master of Modern Vaudeville,” Thom Wall has wowed audiences around the globe. With a sharp wit and sharper knives, Thom juggles, balances, and dives his way through exciting and fast-paced acts that astonish and amaze. /nAs one of the last great American gentleman jugglers, Thom presents an elegant show with nuanced comedy and some of the most unusual tricks seen today. Thom is a complete variety performer, finely tailoring each performance to engage and surprise his audience, resulting in a unique and refreshing experience each time./nFor booking and more information, visit www.thomwall.com





title: Thom Wall - The Vaudeville Sensation!

description: Thom Wall is a Cirque du Soleil juggler with an award-winning, full-length variety show. With a background in event planning and administration, he’s the performer who sees your event’s “big picture” and can help you achieve your vision of success./nWhen Thom walks on stage, you get high energy and smart comedy. With a habit of delighting audiences of all sizes, Thom seamlessly combines award-winning juggling, acrobatic stunts, and theatrical comedy into a variety show that will leave you smiling down to your toes. Thom’s unique background of professional circus training, mime, and modern dance makes him a unique commodity in the performing arts world. His style is so fresh that even Sharon Osbourne exclaimed: ”He’s like a scene from Dirty Dancing!” when she saw him at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta. To this day, he has no idea what she meant by that.
Tags: demo - reel - 2015 - 2016





title: Paddleballers - Thom Wall & Chloe Walier

description: Paddleballers. The best and only acrobatic paddleball duet to come out of the Northern Kingdom. Thom Wall & Chloe Walier www.paddleballers.com www.thomwall.com www.circuschloe.com





title: 28 Tricks for a 28 Year Old

description: It's my birthday, so I filmed you a video. Here's what I've been up to this past year!/n1. Dice stack 2. 4 clubs with a balance 3. 5 clubs into 4 with a balance 4. Plate balance 180 5. 5 ring color change 6. 5 clubs, half reverse spin 7. 4 balls with a head bounce (with transition!) 8. 3 club backcross with a balance 9. 8 ball [88] 10. 5 balls with a head bounce 11. 4 balls overhead with a balance 12. Point to point with a tension slide to splits 13. Point to point spin 14. Ball balance transfer 15. Glass on knife with a jumprope 16. Glass on knife with a jumprope, crossed arms 17. 7 ball kickups and kickdown 180s 18. 531 balance transfer 19. Stand on head 20. Teaset trick 21. Teapot trick 22. 3 ball throw (writing credit: Jacob Sharpe?) 23. Paddleball forward roll 24. Paddleball backwards roll 25. Sit on neck paddleball 26. Neck to neck paddleball 27. Walk-up-the-face balance with 3 club juggle 28. Balloon finale





_ Thom! _

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