_ BBB retirement
I deeply love bbb but I had to stop practicing it long ago (2008) due to sustained wrist injuries and alas there is no videos of me in my prime.
Adam inspired me to film a few old tricks at Turbo so tonight I grabbed my balls for the first time since 2011 and tried to film them. I managed to learn a new one and do another one for the first time ever! This video contains those, a few old 3bbb tricks and a few 4bbb clips from 2011 when I failed to start seriously again (you can see the evolution of my beard)./n It's been a pleasure to see the new kids push the boundaries and I have no regret, thanks to my injuries I've started rings and rarely look back upon my bbb days even though they were amazing moments. So it's with no shame that I announce my official retirement from the bbb world, have fun doing it, I'll the happy to join you for a few seconds once in a while. /nThanks a lot for all your support in my challenge with Norbi, I've got 90 new suscribers in 3 days and 700 to go in 10 days! New video tomorro