_ Toss Juggling After 17 Months (rings for 2 months)
I REALLY hate wind. I seriously gave up on this video after I had about 30 minutes of footage but only 10 seconds of tricks, because the rest of the footage was of me waiting for the wind to die down so I can continue. I put my rings in the car then headed to a new area to do the contact juggling video. Then I found out the new area is blocked off with trees so there was barely any wind. So I went back and grabbed my rings and shot most of this video down there./nI always forget something, last month I forgot those behind the back catches, this month I forgot some multiplex 4 ring starting tricks. I should write down all the tricks I have to do before I head out.../nAs for this video, I like how it came out besides the choppiness when I do 4 and 5 rings./nThe song is Coming Undone by Korn.
“Very good guy ;)”