
_ poiboy

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_ My First Poi Video

My First poi video i have only been doing this for about three weeks when this was filmed. any tips/hints will be much appreciated.
  2010-11-14 01:52 2426

4_ they said...

poiboy _ 171 months
“thanx this will help me loads. especially on a peice i am working on at the moment.”
meshunderlay _ 171 months
“Yeah, basically a weave on the wall plane I think would look better to an audience than a weave in wheel. Butterfly turns I found funky, and take time.”
poiboy _ 171 months
“so for example if i was weaving try to do it on a wall plane sort of thing. so the audience can see the effect. or do things like butterfly turns os that the sort of thing you mean coz i am stuggling with that a bit at the moment.”
meshunderlay _ 171 months
“Honestly? 3 beat weave from the front isn't interesting to look at. Also work at playing forwards and turning to reverse so you can face forward but spin in a plane that faces the viewer.
Aside from that, just keep working on tricks and have fun ^_^.”

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