The juggling act I did in the annual Winter circus in Helsinki. It's made by Hurjaruuth and this year it was called Tuike which means twinkle. We did 76 shows in about 2 month! Heavy stuff :) It's me as Doctor Alby and Sergi Parés as Doctor Kivi.
Sirkus Aikamoinen is a finnish group, and Skaala is their first circusshow, that combines circus, dance, music and magic in different and interesting ways.
For more information go to:
Gathering Storm extracts, a sirkus supiainen performance, directed by Samuli Männistö, performers are Miika Nuutinen and Samuli Männistö.
This is just extracts from 52 min perfomance.
It's also related to performance titled Nosta luiset nyrkkisi kuin antennit kohti taivasta.
Music for extracts: NIN
It's like they are kind of really long tubes,
but I like to call them the Finnish Poles,
because it is the coolest name I could think
of. Or maybe I should call them the Coolnesstix.
In finnish they are called "patukat".
Music by Giant Robot, song Best Match
Filmed at Turun Sirkus in Turku Finland
April 2009. World Record juggling five finnish poles.
A yo-yo film. Trying to keep it cool and calm. Holidays have started and here's an option for all celebrating. Take your yo-yo and head to the nearest lake and take it easy. Filmed with Sony Handycam, edited with iMovie HD.
Thanks to Kumiankka Shop for sponsoring me and Rallu for being there and playing ukulele. Cheers. -Marko collaboration video 2008, the final and third part. For this last video i took litte more time to edit and test my new editing software. Nice features, looks like this old dog can learn new tricks. Cheers.