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Tennis Can and Ball - NZ Combo #32


I went up to a park in Highbury and recorded a combination of tricks, most of which I've recorded before, but never together. In the middle I do catch behind the back which came from working with Devon Howell. At the end is a shaker cup move inspired from watching Tuey Wilson.






Tennis Can and Ball Cigar Box Moves in Auckland


My first day in Auckland I decided to shoot this set of ideas with the tennis can and balls.
tennis - ball - and - can - kha






The  Playground


AH-HA!!! I have not dropped off the face of the planet, despite the rumors, I have not been eaten by a giant text book either, or moved to Jamaica!!!! Anyway.... about the video. It's pretty self-explanatory.. it's on a playground.. and stuff like that.. Enjoy!!! Music: Flyswatter I Like Birds both by the Eels Credits: Filming Grace Editing Grace Juggling OH WAIT!!! lemme guess!!!... GRACE Location(s) Trinity, Bible Church, and on the street... Music Flyswatter and I Like Birds by the Eels






The Penguin - Hooping DVD extract


An extract from the DVD "Hooping" by Peachysteve, teaching the hoop move "The Penguin". Now an App too! http://richardloxley.com/app/hoop






The Playground


AH-HA!!! I have not dropped off the face of the planet, despite the rumors, I have not been eaten by a giant text book either, or moved to Jamaica!!!! Anyway.... about the video. It's pretty self-explanatory.. it's on a playground.. and stuff like that.. Enjoy!!! Music: Flyswatter I Like Birds both by the Eels Credits: Filming Grace Editing Grace Juggling OH WAIT!!! lemme guess!!!... GRACE Location(s) Trinity, Bible Church, and on the street... Music Flyswatter and I Like Birds by the Eels






The Prop Box Chronicles #1


I have moved to The Prop Box! Which is a unit of The Vulcan building. More info in video : )






The Steve


Originally invented by Mushy Pea Steve this move was refered to as "that move Steve does" and became known simply as The Steve. Hold your arm out in front of you with the staff a little above your head. Spin the staff towards you so it will roll down your arm and release it just before the staff is pointing straight in front of you. As the staff rolls down your arm straighten your arm a little to allow a smoother roll and raise your arm up. When it gets to your shoulder raise that shoulder and drop the other so it keeps rolling. As it comes onto your second arm raise that arm with the staff to give it the momentum to get back to your hand.






Time is Art


July 2010. Act I did in III Convention of ABC - São Paulo Music: Do Mangue a Manga - Barbatuques






Tom Hunt - Ball Manipulation Act


My new ball manipulation act. Needs tightening up, bit droppy in places, but should a lot more solid soon. Any feedback/constructive criticism welcome...






Train station


Sorry, the music moved a bit :( I wanted to film more 7 ball tricks, but my arms were too tired (as always! :o( ... ) Hopefully, better tricks coming soon... Sponsored by Gballz! www.gballz.com Music: Podington Bear- Origami






Trick With Hats - Vanishing Foot


This is surprisingly effective when done well, it can really look like your leg has dissapeared! Unfortunately it's very angle sensetive, it only really works when viewed from the front. Incase you can't work it out from the video, here's how you do it. Hold the hat by the brim, with the opening resting against the top of your thigh, move it down until it covers your foot and hides it from view. As you raise the hat again, bend your leg at the knee. Et voila! Your leg has vanished! Lower the hat again, straightening your leg as you do so. Ooh look! Your leg has re-appeared! Top tips: Only raise the hat as far as your knee, and keep your foot hidden behind your thigh. A few minutes practice infront of a mirror and you'll soon get the hang of it. Bonus points: Make both legs dissapear, at the same time...






Trick With Hats: Forward Twiddle


Forward Twiddle - Twiddle the hat off the head and back on. It's got comedy potential too! Allegedly. Use a palm-up fork grip on both sides the hat, and lift it off the head. Remove the ring fingers from the brim and twist the hat between the fore and middle fingers. Stop the spin by gripping the brim between the fore fingers and thumb. Reverse the process to return the hat to the head. You can get an easy laugh by getting the return part wrong and pretending to hit yourself in the face. Jon Lockwood (of Mushy Pea Juggling fame, now working as with "Company of Fools") did lots of hat workshops at juggling conventions in the mid to late 1990's and started Mike and LP out on the hat road. This was often the first trick he taught...so it's Jon and this trick that ultimately led to the creation of this site. Thanks Jon! From the TricksWithHats archive






Trick With Hats: Two handed tumble


Hold the hat with the crown to the outside in an outside grip. Bring it across the body, and cross the arms. Flick the hat over and drop it onto the thumb of the catching hand. Uncross the arms. The hat is now held in an outside grip in the other hand, which suggests that the tumble would be a good next move.






Tricks With Hats: Back tumble


Back tumble - Tumble the hat down your back and then up again. Put the hat towards the back of your head. If you throw the head back you should be able to hit the brim with the back of the neck and have it roll down the back. As the hat rolls bend forwards from the waist to slow it down. Catch it in a inside grip with both hands. Hold the hat still but move your hands so that they are at the front of the brim. Flick the hat so it rolls up the back. As you feel it on the shoulders put the head back to catch it. Getting the timing right takes a lot of practice...be warned, this trick is difficult. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backcross to head catch


Backcross to head catch - Throw the hat behind your back, and catch it on your head. Like most throwing moves, this is a variation on the Throw to head - so it's probably a good idea to learn that first! Hold the hat in your right hand using an inside grip, spread your fingers out nice and wide as you would for a normal throw to the head. Swing your arm out to the side, so that the crown of the hat is pointing downwards. Bring your arm behind your back and release the hat so that it does a nice, high, slow spin above your left shoulder. As the hat descends, look up into it and catch it in the same way that you would for a standard throw to the head. Top Tip: The catching part is easier if you turn your head towards your left shoulder just before the catch. Oh, and obviously learn this throw from both hands... From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Backseat


Backseat - A pair of throws and catches that Mike discovered while sitting in the back of a car. Grab the side of a hat in a pinch grip, and carry it down in front of you so the crown is downwards. Flick it up so it spins 360 degrees, and catch it in another pinch grip at the back of the hat. Quickly push it up and forward, spinning the hat 180 degrees and catch in a pinch grip once again. Stick it back on your head. To perform the trick most effectively aim for one slick movement rather than two separate parts. From the TricksWithHats archive






Tricks With Hats: Coatpeg drop to elbow catch


This trick is similar to the coatpeg drop but instead of dropping the hat and catching it behind your back, you catch it on your elbow. Hold the hat in your right hand, and throw it up to a coatpeg catch in your left hand. Let go of the hat, and bend your left arm at the elbow, pointing your elbow upwards. Catch the hat on your elbow. To complete the move, straighten your arm and the hat will fall. The catch is similar to that in the wipe up






Tricks With Hats: Dynamic Arm Tumble


Hold the hat by the brim in an outside grip with the crown facing forwards. Swing your arm up infront of you, until your hand is about eye level, with the hat tilting slightly upwards. If you let go at the top of the swing, the hat's momentum should carry it through, and it will roll down your arm. The movement that follows is similar to the one arm tumble. Look down your arm, tuck your chin in, and raise your arm slightly so that the hat rolls downhill and on to your head. Once you can do that, try throwing the hat from your left hand, and using the right hand to guide it into a dynamic arm tumble.






Tricks With Hats: Easy Arm Tumbles


Turn your head to the left, then reach over with the right hand to grab the front of the brim (in as close to an inside grip as you can manage). Lift the front of the hat and remove it from the head so it is upside down above the shoulder. Straighten the arm so it ends in an inside grip at arms length. Turn your head to the right so you are looking at the hat, flex the wrist so the hat lies inside the forearm then bend the elbow and replace the hat on the head (with your hand at the back). Repeat on the other side.






Tricks With Hats: Foot flickup


At some point, your hat will end up on the floor and you'll want it back in your hand. You could just bend down and pick it up (boring!), use a normal foot to head (less boring, but relatively easy) or you could use this little move... (Far more studly way to kick a hat :-) Place the hat on the floor, to your left, crown downwards and the opening tilting slightly towards you. Point your right toe, and bring it behind your left leg. Place your right toe into the opening of the hat, and give it a quick upwards flick. With luck (and practice :-) you can make the hat jump up into your left hand. Top tip: If the hat isn't quite in the right position, you can use your right foot to move it around a bit before kicking. Bonus points: Do it without falling over about 20 times whilst filming the damn clip for your website...






Tricks With Hats: Foot to foot


After getting the hat to your foot (the knock to foot is the most common way, but there are plenty of others) you can hop and quickly remove your foot from the hat. Quickly get your throwing foot onto the ground and place the other foot inside the hat. As you can see from the video the hat stays fairly still and it's you that does all the movement. This video of the hat being spun as it is thrown between the feet should give you some ideas for variations on this trick.






Tricks With Hats: Front Spin


Grip the front of the crown of the hat and remove it from the head. Hold the hat vertically and spin it outwards while pushing the hat up with the finger tips. After one spin catch the hat in an outside grip. With a bit of extra practice you can do this with two or three spins or do it in "slow motion".






Tricks With Hats: One arm tumble


Hold the arm out to the side and move the head so that you are looking directly along the arm. Use the neck chop to knock the hat and a let it roll down the arm. Catch it with an inside grip. Raise the arm up and flick the hat back along it. Tuck the chin in beside the shoulder as the hat gets close and it will pop back onto the head. The key to this trick is to move your arm so that the hat is always rolling "downhill".






Tricks With Hats: Onehanded, Continuous Tumbles


Onehanded, Continuous Tumbles - The hat keeps tumbling, in your hand, continuously, infinitely, forever, or at least until you stop. This trick is an extension of the Tumble - so go learn that one now. You'll notice that after you have performed a tumble, you are holding the hat the wrong way round to perform a second tumble immediately after it. This is where the extension comes in. During the first tumble (which is a standard tumble), the hat rotates 1.5 times. The second tumble is similar, but the hat is thrown without a change in grip, it still does 1.5 spins, which means that it is now facing the same way as when you started! Inorder to give yourself space for the second tumble, it feels like you need to throw it a tiny bit higher or faster. Try to make it all flow together into a continuous movement, the hat shouldn't ever pause, the hand acts more as a guide to keep it rotating in the right direction. A nice variation on this is to tumble the hat infront of you, switching hands between tumbles.






Tricks With Hats: Screwdriver


Use a palm-up fork grip at the back of the hat and remove it, straightening the arm. As the arm straightens twist the wrist and take the ring finger off the brim. Spin the hat so that it moves between the middle and forefingers, then transfer the grip to the forefinger and thumb and continue the spin for as far as you can. Reverse the "twiddle" to place it back on the head. The main video clip for this trick doesn't show the fingers in any great detail. See the closeup version (120K mpeg) for a better view. For best results you might want to set your video player to loop the clip.






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