Here is my new promotional video of:
Juggling, Handbalancing, Acrobatics and Dance, Lights and Fire.
A special thanks to the association "OnTheBus" and to the Bertello's theater of Borgo San Dalmazzo - Italy.
I put together some old practice stuff of my handstands. Enjoy the video. Music is by the amazing Susanne Sundfor: O Master (it's not the whole song, check her webpage for the full song).
Again, after 14 different video conversion programs, I finally have a good-quality and functioning version of this handbalancing video. This video is the hand-balancing section of my audition tape for circus school
Apparently Martin was filming a bunch of tricks for inclusion in The Bozo Show, out of Chicago in 1975. It seems someone filmed the taping from off to the side and we get this footage. Martin does a little bit of everything. He also performs a nice handbalancing act (not seen here) in addition to this plethora of juggling tricks.