a little montage of Matt Hall and Ryo Yabe from the 2005 Portland Juggling fest. footage by Ben, editing by Matt (that's me). the aspect ratio is a little off, it's 1.29 (should be 1.33 and i dont feel like fixing it, really). the music is Zongamin - Serious Trouble. enjoy!
Co hosts Warren Hammond and Rich Kohut discuss the UpDownGo trailers, Pong Progression 2, The Burger King Juggling Commercial, Double Acts and partner juggling, and the Portland Juggling Festival.
Learning to spin Rope and Tray at the 2013 Portland Juggling and Vaudeville Extravaganza (sept 27-29 2013). I was testing Bri's teaching skills by being a total novice and providing novice feedback to assist with future instruction. It was a great time full of juggling and learning and friends. See also FiascoSideshow.com & BriTree.com