Present you the DIABOLO PROJECT 2011, which is the result of nine months of our hard work. Wish you a nice watching ! Take care !
Hey ya'll! This is just a short video I put together to accomplish a few things:
1. I wanted to announce my brand spakin new production "company" name, Closer Look Films! (wooo!)
2. I have been learning a ton of new stuff on Adobe After Effects, so this video showcases a few of them.
3. I just wanted to juggle, so enjoy da 3 ball!
Come urban explore with us and our hoops in an abandoned former five-star hotel on an isolated mountaintop on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean./nFilming:
Lisa Ellipse
Chaka September/nEdit:
Lisa Ellipse
Elliptical Productions/nMusic:
"Bones" - Oliver Koletzki
Juggling show for CRUISES!!!
soccer balls, puppet, hats, humor...
Espectáculo de malabares para Cruceros!!!
balones de fútbol, títeres, sombreros, humor...
Welcome to the second part of the smokey bink stoned productions inc. presentation of the amsterdam trip! See this time: Fine (