A video of a performance I did for the Sydney University Engineering Revue. Be warned, this video does feature my naked bottom. It is however, quite hilarious, so that makes it OK!
This is my first entry for the first World Juggling Video Federation (WJVF) contest. The theme is "Traces of Plagiarism"... I was worried that I wasn't going to have enough time to make the video I'd been planning to make, so I whipped this one up in an hour or so.
This is a short movie aimed to test my camera, lighting, DivX converter, iMovie usage, etc. It features a short instructional clip of 'elbow slapbacks' with 3 balls, and some other stuff for the hell of it...
This video was going to have a theme of tennising tricks, but then I got bored and just started screwing around. The result is a video made in a single day, and edited on that day too. I think it's actually pretty good! I tried to get a bit more synchronisation to the music too, and I think for the most part I've succeeded... Any comments would be much appreciated.
Having recently purchased my first set of juggling clubs, I set out to document the first week of progress. Well, I use the term 'progress' quite loosely...