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title: 1171 CONEJO LUNAR

description: deseaba grabar la segunda parte de mi otro video, comenzamos a grabar y cuando se acabo la pila descubrimos que no teniamos cargador eso fue lo que pudimos grabar jajaja igual estubo divertido otro dia sera la segunda parte del otro /nwanted to record the second part of my other video, start recording and when we found out the battery charger that we did not that was what we recorded jajaja it was like another fun day will be the second part of another video/ndedicado como siempre a mi banda el conejo lunar, al colectivo CASA, al dfctuoso crew y a los panicos. CAMARA: TENMA MUSICA: APPARAT LUGAR: TEATRO MORELOS TOLUCA MEXICO CLAVAS: K8 POP MALABARISTA : JORGE VILCHIS "EL BURGUER"/nCONEJO LUNAR 100 PORCIENTO MEXICANO





title: Happy Oree Friends - Pretty Trippy Party trailer

description: A full length collaboration film featuring mostly Israeli and non Israeli jugglers and performers. The dream like story takes the viewer from the carpentry where Ori himself was created by his father to a surrealistic journey. While traveling in his own mind using his imagination Ori meets several bizarre characters, each one master a different Juggling prop. It took a year and a half to create the film which was shot in Israel, Italy, Spain and Europe. P.T.P combines original editing style, Psychedelic animation and soundtrack. The plot is not laniary and hazy at times which gives a sense of confusion and fantasy. The film is highly recommended to those who appreciate visual art, music and Juggling. Participants (A-Z): Aaron Tobiass, Ayal Benin, Bar Mualem, Boaz Nir-Shallom, Daniel Bareket, Dekel Azulay, Edgar Groll, Lorenzo Mastropietro, Neta Oren, Noam Geller, Ori Roth, Pavel Evsukevich, Ron Beeri, Tavo Del Prato, Uri Zelig, Yaniv Eliash, Yuval Roth. 55:19 minutes, WMV/MP4 PAL 805/820 MB, 12 euros
Tags: happy - oree - friends - preet - trippy - party





title: More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2 - Instant Prop Stand

description: buy the full video from http://www.wespeden.com Price: $10 Length: 22:47 File Size: 516MB/nManipulation Research Laboratory presents: More Fun Than Visiting a Zoo Volume 2- Instant Prop Stand How many times has this ever happened to you? #1. You forget to bring your prop stand and leave it at home! #2. The airline loses your luggage... again! Well look no further, because this video will show you how to execute a professional performance every time, EVEN WITHOUT A PROP STAND! Techniques included on the video demonstrate how to impress a client and nail that gig if your prop stand goes missing. These handy tricks will justify having your props lying on the floor all over the stage. No longer will you have to worry about looking unprofessional as you bend over each time to pick stuff up for your next routine. Transform any stage into a fun working environment with over 20 minutes of sure-fire gold, only available on this download offer today!/nPerformed by: Wesley Jefferson Peden & Jay Nathan Gilligan
Tags: wes - peden - jay - gilligan - mrl - zoo - instant - prop - stand





title: H2O Flavor - Juggling - By Metlili

description: Petite vidéo de jongle à la Française./nAntispin - Multiplexe et bien sur Moussaka





title: toby walker live at gop

description: may '09 best music i could find from limited '60s choice
Tags: toby - walker





title: Team Shreddie Crunch

description: 14 English Jugglers together in one big video we all know JTV is the best but here are the youtube links for everyone in the video: Alan Chung - www.youtube.com/user/eMretsiM Alex Jones - www.youtube.com/user/efrim1 Callum Tomeny - www.youtube.com/user/calumtomeny Chris Cabry - www.youtube.com/user/cabry12 Chris Noonan - www.youtube.com/user/ChrisN94 Dan Wood - www.youtube.com/user/danwood63 Dave Leahy - www.youtube.com/user/juggledave David Haslam - www.youtube.com/user/juggleDude1 Jason Lu - www.youtube.com/user/Draitube Josh Turner - www.youtube.com/user/JoshTurner52 Lewis Kennedy -www.youtube.com/user/lewisjmkennedy01 Luke Galloway - NA Matthew Tiffany - www.youtube.com/user/juggletiff125 Zack Turner - www.youtube.com/user/ztt12
Tags: team - shreddie - crunch - collab





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