_ Counting Escalator Steps
LINKS: TITLE: Counting Escalator Steps IDEA: Stale bread boring and i never want my juggling to be a synonym for it. So i am trying to use what i find in juggling quickly and get on to the next thing to keep it interesting for me and other juggling enthusiasts. So i felt like i needed to make this video so the juggling didn't get forgotten and lost. (see PROCESS from more pretentiousness) HOW TO: For best results view film in full screen in a dark room with sound canceling headphones at least 2 hours after eating and no more than 15 minutes after reading fiction. Feet should be flat on the floor, palms down, and head 70 cm from the screen(assuming you are viewing this on a computer). CREDITS :
special thanks to K8 for the POP clubs! PROCESS: there is not enough room to write this here but you can read it in the info of this same video on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/wespeden
danshogskolan - 2009