
_ rapbit

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Videos: 1
Followers: 7

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JTV says_ Beautifully shot and beautifully paced. Excellent and appropriate choice of music. Sometimes the spaces between are just as important as the juggling.

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Urban Art Juggling Rafał Walusz
[email protected]
Photography by Piotr Kwaśniok
[email protected]
Warszawa - 1990 Poland
  2010-03-02 05:47 11597

11_ they said...

Laurens _ 176 months
“This reminds me very much of the short BMW-movies. The use of camera focus and movement is just great! Shots, music, juggling, it all blends into one. Best artisticly filmed movie I have seen in a long time! It makes the juggling much more interesting and beautiful :D”
JugglingJoe _ 179 months
“beautifully shot and nice music, great video!”
kuba_borkowicz _ 180 months
“HD i steadicam robi swoje. ładny clip.”
radomasta _ 180 months
“Well in my opinion, good movie quality, nice shots, but tricks nothing special.”
tulexx _ 180 months
“Personally I think that the juggling itself was not shot very well and the camera man is obviously not a juggler.
Aza, ale trzeba przyznac ze taka kamera wszystkie filmy zonglerskie powinny byc krecone. Bo ujecia sa na prawde cudowne, a i sama jakosc nie ma sobie rownych”
TuRe _ 180 months
“That's beautifully shot!”
jakubjanz _ 180 months
“dobrym warsztatem filmowym ukryłeś swoje niewielkie umiejętności żonglerskie. Ruszasz się jak Nightshine z kijem, mnie to nie jara. Za "art" w tytule i intro przed centrum sztuki współczesnej należy się placek z pudrem. Nie mówiąc już o tym, że tytuł sam nasuwa "urban nature" Beeriego, a przy nim wypadasz bardzo słabo. a na koniec: WOW ściągnąłeś kurtkę trzymając maczugę na nodze, imponujące.
Juraj _ 180 months
“juggling triler film :D - very nice atmosphere!! - camera, juggling, music!! = nice moment .)”
thegreenspitz _ 180 months
“wow! nice juggling, nice music ! cool shots ! like it very much !”
Simalacrum _ 180 months
“Very, VERY professional. Bravo!”
TheOmnipotentJuggler _ 180 months
“This was great :) You do 1 club better than I've ever seen before. So elegant! :D”

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