AKDiamond_ 149 months
“I guess I was slow and awkward enough with it, at the time, that it is easy to see what I am doing! Glad it helped - it's a really fun pattern to have down.”
Rabit_ 149 months
“I have been having the hardest time with this move. BUt watching you do it actually shed a lot of light on how to do it. Thanks”
AKDiamond_ 179 months
“Thanks for the comment. And yes, my arms were very stiff by this point!”
donvantheman_ 179 months
“good, just keep your throws consistent, when your comfortable try adding a more sweeping motion, its better visually, u seem very stiff.”
“I guess I was slow and awkward enough with it, at the time, that it is easy to see what I am doing! Glad it helped - it's a really fun pattern to have down.”