Here is my 4th video./nSome tricks are not done in the prettiest execution you can imagine, but I tried to do the hardest tricks I could hit on video. So I'm waiting for your feedback. :)
Leeroy_ 175 months
“a lot of non-pros do them to ;) (me i.e.). babache standard rings.”
PLjuggler_ 175 months
“I just logged in to say that I really you style and many tricks with 6 balls . Practice more clubs , they're best things to juggle with imo
I'm glad to see 720' ,because mainly pro jugglers do them :)
What rings do you have ? juggling regular rings outside is terrible because of wind ...
keep on juggling !
maybe we will meet at EJC in 2012 ...”
“a lot of non-pros do them to ;) (me i.e.). babache standard rings.”